Fundamental Foods

Our Fundamental foods team aims to promote and encourage healthy eating and increase awareness of good nutrition across Prestonpans and surrounding areas we believe that everyone has the right to access good nutritious food. We aim to achieve this by offering the following programmes.
Providing our 'Food4Health' parents programme over a 6 week block to parents and the wider community we run 4 blocks over the year with a monthly drop-in session.
We deliver a nutritional education programme to early years, nurseries and primary schools that integrates into the curricular of excellence under health and well-being. Every child will have the opportunity to have a hands on cooking experience preparing and cooking a meal from scratch or tasting/preparing healthy snacks. We also taste a number of different foods from around the world. An example of these programmes are funky fruits/veg invasion follow us on twitter @fundamentalruth to see this in practice.
Facilitate and manage breakfast clubs across the cluster. This promotes improved concentration and performance throughout the day, increased confidence and motivation for school, this allows social interaction with friends before school.
Working in partnership with active schools to improve physical exercise amongst primary school children and reduce sedentry behaviour. Keeping the main focus on healthy eating and the association with exercise
Working in partnership with health professionals to help put the nutritional guidance into practice by supporting health eating and encouraging a balanced nutritious diet
Challenging and exploring barriers that are associated with healthy eating focusing on the 3As; Affordablity, Accessiblity and Availability
Improving lifestyle choices through healthy eating
Working in partnership with other health professionals to help put the nutritional guidance into practice by supporting healthy eating and encouraging a balanced and nutritious diet
Supporting vulnerable groups, individuals and families to access healthy eating through partnership working, cooking with confidence and one to one sessions
Providing one to one sessions to undertake assessment and dietary intakes of individual needs. These sessions will focus on healthy eating and individuals with be offered regular sessions to improve and maintain healthy weight and support individuals to make positive lifestyle choices related to nutritions
Family cooking programmes. These encourage children to work together with their grown up to cook a meal from scratch which increases family engagement. It also provides the children with valuable life skills and increases their interest in food
Provide one to one home visits to help families who find it difficult to come along to group sessions.
For meal ideas and advice, please see our Document page here - where you can download recipes
Get in touch with Ruth!
Mobile: 07515952631
Office: 01875 815221
Twitter: @fundamentalruth

Fundamental foods would like to thank East Lothian Council, Fa'side area partnership and The National Lottery Community Fund with their continued support of our project.